Hello, I’m Craig.


I hail from Cape Town, South Africa, but I currently live and work in New York City. I moved to NY in 2014 to pursue a masters degree at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). I began my tertiary education by studying Electromechanical Engineering, but it was a pursuit void of passion and I abandoned it in favor of a BTech in Industrial Design. Prior to moving to the US, my work focused primarily on CAD modeling and design for manufacture.

For lack of a better term I'd now call myself a Creative Technologist, though I still struggle to explain what that means exactly.  In essence i'm part hacker, part maker, part industrial designer, part fabricator, part systems architect, part software developer, part engineer, part interaction designer, and part technologist. I like to think of myself as a specialized generalist who can contribute on a multitude of creative fronts. All that being said, I wrote my first line of code at ITP and if I had my choice that’s how I’d spend my days going forward.

I’m currently a Creative Technologist in the NY office for the global creative production company MediaMonks. I work with a variety of technologies and tools, such as C++, Cinder, openFrameworks, Processing, Java, NodeJS, Javascript, HTML, CSS, React, React-Native, Unity3D, C#, TouchDesigner, Python, MadMapper.

You can also find me on LinkedIn, or Github.